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| External IP camera network connections can pose a security risk if not properly protected
| Intruders could gain access to the security network via the external network link
| Tamper-proof HIGHWIRE devices can provide absolute protection, verified by penetration tests


Tamper-Proof Ethernet over Coax
"External IP cameras are installed to increase security. However, external camera require network connections into the security system. These external network connections could be disconnected and reconnected (or otherwise tapped-into) by a criminal to gain network access, steal data, inject malware, or crash the VMS and or other connected systems. Whilst such activity might generate a video loss alarm, they are often ignored or noted for later investigation. The criminal could reconnect the camera with a POE-powered switch, restoring the video within seconds, killing the alarm, but leaving the network open. Careful configuration of the switches connected to the IP camera can mitigate such threats, but is rarely done by installers. In any case, this can still be overcome by a determined cyber-intruder.
Many IP cameras (especially external ones), are connected via legacy coaxial cable (by Ethernet over coax adaptors). Veracity's Tamper-Proof Ethernet Over Coax version of its HIGHWIRE adaptor protects external IP camera connections from tampering and disconnection. It not only detects disconnection but also any tampering with either the coax cable or the Ethernet cable between the camera-end HIGHWIRE and the camera itself. Disconnection or tampering results in a relay contact alarm and complete shutdown of the connection, including POE. Until it is physically reset on the internal, base-end HIGHWIRE, the channel cannot connect and the alarm stays active."
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