Veracity is also Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certified, with the certificate references as shown below:
Cyber Essentials:
Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials Plus:


Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
Security is our business; consequently, Veracity takes security matters even more seriously than most. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and security of our products, systems and services.
Veracity operates a vulnerability disclosure policy which outlines the guidelines and procedures for reporting any security vulnerabilities to us, with timescales for response. You may download a copy of our policy here.

Quality Management
& Compliance
Quality Management
Veracity’s businesses in the UK have a combined Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Management System, certified to ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 respectively, and compliant with ISO 45001:2015. Our satellite offices report into this structure and maintain the same standards.
Veracity complies with all relevant regulatory requirements, and we meet or exceed all best practice guidelines and appropriate standards. Examples of specific areas of compliance are detailed below.
Veracity has implemented an Information Security Management System which is certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards (Certificate No. IS 765632).
A link to the certificate is provided below:
Anti-Corruption & Anti Bribery
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
These standards form part of our Code of Conduct and are written into our Company Handbook and to which all Veracity employees must adhere.
Supply Chain
We believe that implementing well-defined supply policies can significantly contribute to sustainable practices, reduce environmental footprint and ensure ethical sourcing and operations. Veracity ensures that all of our suppliers, as far as is reasonably possible, conform to the same high standards and policies as Veracity, on all aspects of legal, environmental, anti-corruption, anti-slavery and privacy policies.
Veracity is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We have a defined Privacy Policy which defines how we may use and protect any personally-identifiable information that we may gather, including use of cookies on this website.
Our privacy policy may be downloaded below in the legal section.
Veracity manages product our sourcing and our supply-chain to ensure that: SVHC (substances of very high concern); ROHS (restriction of hazardous substances); REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation & restriction of hazardous substances); and minerals from conflict zones are all prevented from entering our product range.
Veracity Legal
The following items cover essential legal matters in connection with continued use of the website, doing business with Veracity, our intellectual property and details of our Privacy Policy.
Terms of Use
The terms of use for this website are explained in our Policy Document which you should read carefully before making use of any information on this site. Your continued use of the site confirms your acceptance of the published terms of use.
Sales Terms and Conditions
Veracity sells its products under its general Sales Terms and Conditions. These are provided upon opening an account, specified on all quotes, and are separately available.
Trademarks & Copyright
Veracity uses Trademarks, Registered Trademarks and copyrights for our products, services, documentation and corporate identity. We endeavour to ensure these are all used and respected appropriately.
Veracity owns intellectual property protected by international patents which are embodied in a number of Veracity products sold by Veracity and its subsidiaries. Any suspected infringement of our patents should be reported to Veracity.
Privacy Policy
A copy of our GDPR
compliant Privacy Policy is available here. It covers how we use and protect any information we gather and how we use cookies on this website.
Note that Veracity never sells any such information to any third parties.